Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Character Brian is a boy who parents just got divorced because of him because he is a huge inconvenience and he is on his way to see his dad in Canada but his plane crashes and the pilot is some guy who has a heat attack. 


A symbol in the book is Brian's hatchet that his mom gave him. The hatchet symbolizes his relationship with his parents because I a bridge way between the because his mom gave him the hatchet to use with his dad in the forest. Every time Brian sees the hatchet he think of his mom more because he liked her a little more because his dad left him with his mom as he barley sees his dad 


The Setting is the forest in Canada because that's were basically were the whole book takes place. Also that's were Brian has to for a long time until someone finds him. But nobody finds him for a while because everyone thinks he's dead. 


The conflict of this story is that Brian get in a plane crash and gets stranded in the woods and has to learn to camp there by himself for a while. The plane crashes because the pilot gets a heart attack and dies. 


The mood of this book is intense and adventurous. Hatchet will make you want to keep reading because so much happens in short amount of time. Events make a pattern because they kept repeating. It is constantly one thing after another. It is such an entertaining book and it is very intense and obviously is daring and adventurous 


Brian appears to change his perspective about nature completely towards the end. In the beginning of the book Brian is very fearful about the woods but, he quickly learns that he might be there for a while so he might as well make the best of it. As soon as he accepts it, it looks as though Brian has become more at peace with nature. 


Brian's personality drastically changes from the beginning of the book to the end. An example of this is how in the beginning Brian saw a bear and he was very afraid of it but later in he comes in contact with a wolf. Brian remained calm and as was the wolf. It was like they had a connection. It showed how Brian had a new appreciation with with nature. 


Brian's mom gave him the hatchet so he could use it with his dad in the woods. Brian thinks of his mom for giving it to him and his dad because it was meant to use it with him. A bridge can transport you from one place to another. So The hatchet in a way, can be compared to as a bridge. They both link to different things. 

Monday, April 20, 2015


The conflict is that his plane crashed in the forest and he can't get out of the forests and everyone is dead exept him and his has to survive by his lonesome and with his animal friends that he finds in the woods. 


Metaphors Like a baby chick is stuck in an egg or a little boy that is lost in in Disney world were he can't finds his parents and is separated from reality were he feels invisible because no one has stopped to help,him because no one wants to deal with the inconvenience of helping someone out. 


This shows the mood because rachet boy is on the plane with the pilot and he's all mad because his parents are going to get devorced and he's on a plane.And he's all sad and I think his bad vibes brought the plane down. 


Brian's character in the beggening of the book is weak and depressed. He is sad because his parents were getting a divorce and he loves them a lot and relies on them too much. But towards the end of the book, Brian because very brave, smart, strong and more independent. 


When Brian Robeson is on the plane and the pilot dies from a heart attack, Brian gets really scared and sad because he is left alone on a plane that is crashing and he doesn't know how to control the plane. He panics and gets very fearful, sad, lonely, and mad.

Friday, April 10, 2015


Major Themes: The major themes of the book are never give up, perseverance, and determination. Throughout the book, Brian has to go through many obstacles which teach him to never give up and to always persevere through the hard times. If Brian gave up, he would not have survived. At the end of the book, we see that never giving up pays off because Brian finally gets rescued.


Symbolism: The hatchet given to him by his mother symbolizes survival because is the one tool he could not have lived without. Without the hatchet, he wouldn't have been able to make fire, sharpen/cut things for shelter, weapons, and food, and he would not have had any form of protection. 


Mood: The mood in the beginning of the book is sad because Brian is thinking about the Secret that led to his parents’ divorce. Later in the book, the mood turns to fearful because he is alone in the wilderness and is trying to deal with the dangers that nature throws at him. At the end of the book, the mood is uplifting because Brian finally gets rescued.


Rising Action: The rising action begins in chapter one when Brian’s plane crashes in the Canadian wilderness and he is forced to find a way to survive. His plane crashed because the pilot had a hear attack and died mid-flight. It continues with him learning new skills every day, growing, and maturing until he is finally rescued.


Antagonist: The antagonist is the forest and all the danger that comes with it. Some of the dangers that come with the forrest are wild animals, climate, and lack of food/clean water. The other antagonist is Brian himself because he must call on all of his strengths and intelligence to survive life in the wilderness. 


Foreshadowing: The pilot teaching Brian how to control the plane is foreshadowing Brian landing the plane himself. He learns how to turn and drive the plane and, at one point, is controlling the plane without the pilot contributing. The pilot’s sudden pain in his shoulder and arm also warns us of his death of a heart attack. However, he shrugs the pain off and blames it on his old age.


Conflict: Brian's parents just recently got a divorce so this teenager is having to deal with his parents fighting, secrets, lawyers, figuring out which parent to live with, and other issues/drama that comes with divorce. The reason he is flying in the plane in the first place is to go to his other parent's (Dad) house.